Media Forms: The Character of the film uses the humor of show the audience what the genre of the film is about. As you can hear him say funny quotes and his responses to the to the questions asked were funny remarks or sarcastic opinions that was directed at other celebrities making humorous this connotes that the genre of the film will be a comedy.
Media Representation: Ethnicity was represented with the use of mise en scene, as you see the character from the film came to the red carpet in (i think) some sort of uniform representing the Iraq. this shows the audience that the film will be based somewhere around Asia. The hat for his uniform makes him look like hes important in the film.
Media Institutions: This extract was typical in the Hollywood insdistry because many celebrites have done crazy things on red carpet red carpet in the past promote their films, it is jut good way of attracting a wider range of audience. As you can see Sacha Baron makes a fool out of himself but people take no notice of it because they know he is only promoting.
Media Audiences: The character from the film came out in his costume to promote his film, he was acting in character to give the audience a little sneak peak about the the movie. He made a scene on the red carpet by spilling the ashes on Ryan Seacrest's head to get the audiences attention so they will notice him and wonder what the film is about, this attracts a wider range of audience as thousands of people will see him on tv as well as the people in public. Sacha Baron was acting lively and humerus throughout, making the audience want to know more about the film.
First Day of Media
Monday, 22 April 2013
Monday, 15 April 2013
Eater Homework section A practice
Media Forms: At the advert at the start the Guardian uses big bold writing to catch the audiences eye. The Guardian uses sympathy to make the audience believe that the pigs were guilty as they had bullet point headlines with quotes such as "family and friends show emotional tributes".
Representation: The news in the advert The Guardian represented as a well known news paper that many people take seriously. You can tell from the way the people in England was mostly looking at the guardian website to see the latest news it connotes that they think that the Guardian is the most reliable source for news.
Media Institution: The story of the 3 pigs created conflict and argumentation on twitter making millions of people who live round England discuss and share their own views on the situation, the advert showed some people taking the story more seriously than others as they showed many people blogging and tweeting angry and disappointed comments this shows us that the guardian has a very high value towards the people in England and that they take the guardian very seriously.
Audience: From watching the ad several times i have seen that the target audience using demographics is the groups of A/B, I believe people of a high class in demographics would watch this. On the other hand it is also a story about the 3 little pigs so i would add the groups of D/E.
Call of Duty Game Trailer
Media Forms: The codes and conventions of the advert connotes that the trailer is going to be a violent game as you can see images of players holding guns and other very dangerous high tech equipment such as grenades, c4's, flash bangs etc. It also connotes that the genre of the game will be an action game due to the explosions and movement of the characters.
Media Representation: The game trailer uses happy rock music this connotes that they represent war as being fun and enjoyable. The quick moving cuts of each scene makes the trailer look epic also they huge explosions in the trailer makes war look exciting and daring.
Media Institutions: It is typical because it has key conventions that all army games would have such as rock music, bloody images guns being used etc. Also they show the new game play in the trailer , this will attract audience as they would want to see what its like and try it out.
Media Audiences: This text appeals to teenagers aged 17 and over , you would expect a game like this to be around that age group due to the blood and gore, drug reference, intense violence and strong language. The trailer shows many pleasures towards the target audience as they show in the trailer that you can play in different areas making this game more interesting.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Case Study 2 Check list
Broadcast: I put this interview underneath broadcast as it is an interview with the two main characters of the show. The interview was put on youtube; I think this is a great way to promote because youtube is very well known globally. You can also tell that the characters are promoting if you look at the release date of the film, as the release date is March 16th 2012 and this youtube video was put up March 14th 2012. Both Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill use mise en scene with the use of their clothing the interview to show the audience what the film will be about. The video was put on Youtube channel called HitFix , this is a intelligent way of promoting as the channel has over one million subscribers, this channel gives the film makers a huge advantage with promoting.
Print: In this link it shows a film review of 21 Jump Street, it was discussing the its views on remaking the old television series into a film. The review liked the film and thought showed a lot of humor, however the review a lot said that it thought the film was weird. It also wrote that it thought that the film was abnormal but it liked the plot. this is a good way of promoting as the person gave a good review making others want to watch it. Usually reviews are accurate so this makes the audience want to view to know more.
E-media: I have chosen to use the trailer to analyse the E-media platform for 21 Jump Street. The trailer is produced in high-key lighting this connotes that the film is going to be happy and possibly humerus, the mise en scene of the characters clothing insinuates that the film is based in a modern time. There are also scenes shown of the charters in police informs this makes the audience think that the genre of the film is an action movie. I noticed that the trailer showed the audience that the film uses synergy for the genres as it had fast shots of humerus and funny scenes. There was some swearing said by the actors in the trailer this connotes that the age of the film will be around a 15 and above, however there was also scenes showing sexual tention between characters this also connotes that the film will be above the age of 15.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Media that is simialar to our film idea:
1) Cruel Summer
2) Shank
3) Misfits
4) The Barber shop
Cruel Summer: I've linked this album to our media production because it has very intense and urban tracks, it matches our criteria. There is a certain song called clique that we've chosen for our opening scene we chose it because its a aggressive and arrogant song as some of the lyrics say "Aint nobody fucking with my clique", this shows us that the main character in the opening scene has a high status in his environment. Also it shows that the character doesn't take no for an answer.
Shank: I've linked this film to our media production because it matches the genre of our film, it is an urban estate film which includes with drugs, sex and violence. The film uses mise en scene to connote that film is going to be violent due to the images of weapons. The use of low-key lighting connotes that the film is emotional and serious, I also chose this film due to the actors; as they suit the roles of the film my group are making, I believe they suit my film well because they have all lived in urban areas showing that it will not be hard to stay in character.
Misfits: I chose misfits because I like the use of drama in the series, it creates excitement and tension, also it makes the audience want to watch more as they find it interesting. I like the way misfits use the effect of low-key lighting with a close up in the scene, it makes the audience feel the characters emotion full emotion. I chose a violent scene in misfits to link with my project because its exactly how i want to present the use of violence and weaponry, as the actors make it look bracing.
The Barber Shop: I've linked this film to our media production because I like the way the film shows a side of comedy even though the film is mostly a drama. This is how i want to present a bit of comedy into my case study. I also used the trailer to present the urban ghetto background as I want to use this kind of image in our production to attract the right target audience.
1) Cruel Summer
2) Shank
3) Misfits
4) The Barber shop
Cruel Summer: I've linked this album to our media production because it has very intense and urban tracks, it matches our criteria. There is a certain song called clique that we've chosen for our opening scene we chose it because its a aggressive and arrogant song as some of the lyrics say "Aint nobody fucking with my clique", this shows us that the main character in the opening scene has a high status in his environment. Also it shows that the character doesn't take no for an answer.
Shank: I've linked this film to our media production because it matches the genre of our film, it is an urban estate film which includes with drugs, sex and violence. The film uses mise en scene to connote that film is going to be violent due to the images of weapons. The use of low-key lighting connotes that the film is emotional and serious, I also chose this film due to the actors; as they suit the roles of the film my group are making, I believe they suit my film well because they have all lived in urban areas showing that it will not be hard to stay in character.
Misfits: I chose misfits because I like the use of drama in the series, it creates excitement and tension, also it makes the audience want to watch more as they find it interesting. I like the way misfits use the effect of low-key lighting with a close up in the scene, it makes the audience feel the characters emotion full emotion. I chose a violent scene in misfits to link with my project because its exactly how i want to present the use of violence and weaponry, as the actors make it look bracing.
The Barber Shop: I've linked this film to our media production because I like the way the film shows a side of comedy even though the film is mostly a drama. This is how i want to present a bit of comedy into my case study. I also used the trailer to present the urban ghetto background as I want to use this kind of image in our production to attract the right target audience.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Mock Exam Learner Response
LR: No coverage of print ! write a paragraph comparing within the platform.
In the print platform I have chosen to compare a magazine article about Ill Manors and Plan-B's article on A difference between my two links is that the Ill Manors magazine shows images and features that would attract more male viewers, as you can see images of guns, Plan-B himself, and a couple of characters from the movie in scenes of the film This makes the film look more exciting for the viewers. However Plan-b's article on takes a different approach to promoting , as the article on speaks more about his life in general besides the the filming of Ill Manors. A similarity would be that both links in my platform are both used with text its a different way of promoting it would attract a different type of audience, the would attract people who read more this would create a wider range of audience for the film, I would suggest audiences in the B/C category.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Case Study 2
I have chosen "21 Jump Street" for my second case study. 21 Jump Street is a 2012 action/comedy film. It was based on the television series in 1987.
- The film was directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller
- The film was produced by Stephen J Cannell, Neal H Moritz and Channing Tatum
- Jonah Hill
- Brie Larson
- Dave Franco
- Rob Riggle
- Ice Cube
- Channing Tatum
Editing: Joel Negrone
Distributed by: Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Budget: $42 million
The release date was March 16th 2012 with a running time of 109 minutes, it was filmed in America.
Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are former classmates that met at a police academy, They end up becoming friends at the academy as they help each others weaknesses , one having a physical weakness and the other having a mental weakness. Jonah Hill helps Channing Tatum with the theory for the police academy(written work) and Channing Tatum helps Jonah with his fitness. They then both graduated from the police academy and became partners but are assigned to park patrol. After few hours of park patrol they finally catch a break with a group of men smoking marijuana, they arrested the leader but had to let him go because Channing Tatum forgot the wording of the Miranda rights. The two are reassigned to a revived speciality division on 21 Jump Street.
Main Similarities
- They are both a drama
- They both have the same target audience (teens and young adults)
- Both story lines are based around young adults
- Both have violent imagery and drug abuse
Main Differences
- The budget for 21 Jump Street is higher than Ill Manors
- They both have different genres
- Both films are in different countries
- 21 Jump Street had better filming quality
The trailer is produced in high-key lighting this connotes that the film is going to be happy and maybe humerus, the mise en scene of the characters clothing insinuates that the film is based in a modern time. There are also scenes shown of the charters in police informs this makes the audience think that the genre of the film is an action movie. I noticed that the trailer showed the audience that the film uses synergy for the genres as it had fast shots of humerus and funny scenes. There was some swearing said by the actors in the trailer this connotes that the age of the film will be around a 15 and above, however there was also scenes showing sexual tention between characters this also connotes that the film will be above the age of 15.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
MEST Cross Media Study Slide5
Who are the key institutions involved in promoting the film and how are they involved?
Film London
Film London is the capitals film and media agency; sustaining , promoting and developing London as a major international film making and film culture capital. Film London is one of nine regional screen agencies through out the U.K., Film London aims to ensure London has a thriving film sector that enriches the capital's businesses and its people. The aims and objectives of Film London is to :
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public service broadcasting corporation which includes radio , television and other and other media outlets whose primary mission is public service.
How do they use each platform to reach their target audience?

Print Media: One way of reach their target audience is by using a specific magazine that could attract the wanted target audience. For example , the Ill Manors magazine shows images and features that would attract more male viewers as you can see images of guns, Plan-B himself, and a couple of characters from the movie in scenes of the film
Broadcast: This is a youtube link showing an interview with Plan-B on SB.TV. They talk about all his upcoming events that going to happen such as his album and his features in films, he also mentions his directing in Ill Manors for his movie. I think this is an excellent way of promoting to his target audience because it is on a very well known youtube channel that loads of people view , also another reason why this is good technique of promotion is because the channel SB.TV has a huge target audience of young adults and teenagers.
Print: In this link it shows a behinds the scene video posted by SB.TV this is similar to the way they used broadcast to promote as Plan-B knows a high percentage of young adults and teens view the channel, also SB.TV have over a million subscribers this is a very smart way of promoting.
Film London
Film London is the capitals film and media agency; sustaining , promoting and developing London as a major international film making and film culture capital. Film London is one of nine regional screen agencies through out the U.K., Film London aims to ensure London has a thriving film sector that enriches the capital's businesses and its people. The aims and objectives of Film London is to :
- Grow the film industry in London
- Maximise investment in London through film
- Sustain London's film culture
- Promote London to the world through film
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public service broadcasting corporation which includes radio , television and other and other media outlets whose primary mission is public service.
How do they use each platform to reach their target audience?
Print Media: One way of reach their target audience is by using a specific magazine that could attract the wanted target audience. For example , the Ill Manors magazine shows images and features that would attract more male viewers as you can see images of guns, Plan-B himself, and a couple of characters from the movie in scenes of the film
Broadcast: This is a youtube link showing an interview with Plan-B on SB.TV. They talk about all his upcoming events that going to happen such as his album and his features in films, he also mentions his directing in Ill Manors for his movie. I think this is an excellent way of promoting to his target audience because it is on a very well known youtube channel that loads of people view , also another reason why this is good technique of promotion is because the channel SB.TV has a huge target audience of young adults and teenagers.
Print: In this link it shows a behinds the scene video posted by SB.TV this is similar to the way they used broadcast to promote as Plan-B knows a high percentage of young adults and teens view the channel, also SB.TV have over a million subscribers this is a very smart way of promoting.
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