Who are the key institutions involved in promoting the film and how are they involved?
Film London
Film London is the capitals film and media agency; sustaining , promoting and developing London as a major international film making and film culture capital. Film London is one of nine regional screen agencies through out the U.K., Film London aims to ensure London has a thriving film sector that enriches the capital's businesses and its people. The aims and objectives of Film London is to :
- Grow the film industry in London
- Maximise investment in London through film
- Sustain London's film culture
- Promote London to the world through film
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public service broadcasting corporation which includes radio , television and other and other media outlets whose primary mission is public service.
How do they use each platform to reach their target audience?

Print Media: One way of reach their target audience is by using a specific magazine that could attract the wanted target audience. For example , the Ill Manors magazine shows images and features that would attract more male viewers as you can see images of guns, Plan-B himself, and a couple of characters from the movie in scenes of the film
Broadcast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnNu1EQvvMA&safe=active This is a youtube link showing an interview with Plan-B on SB.TV. They talk about all his upcoming events that going to happen such as his album and his features in films, he also mentions his directing in Ill Manors for his movie. I think this is an excellent way of promoting to his target audience because it is on a very well known youtube channel that loads of people view , also another reason why this is good technique of promotion is because the channel SB.TV has a huge target audience of young adults and teenagers.
Print: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvHNp8Lrpts In this link it shows a behinds the scene video posted by SB.TV this is similar to the way they used broadcast to promote as Plan-B knows a high percentage of young adults and teens view the channel, also SB.TV have over a million subscribers this is a very smart way of promoting.
Print: The article promotes the film through print by mentioning the film in the article this makes the audience aware that he is bringing out a new film. This method of promoting also informs the people who normally read that news website on a regular basis. It is a very smart way of promoting as it informing people that may know about Plan-B, the language of the article is informal it shows a wide range of slang words and taboo language. http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/music/plan-b-my-songs-are-all-about-real-life
Broadcast: The talk show shows a unique way of promoting the film , as it does not talk about the film that much. However even though the talk show doesn't inform the audience about the film, it still tells the audience about Plan-B , this could interest the people who haven't heard about Plan-B and make them search him up. The language in the clip is quite formal , it shows good use of volcabulary http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uvDrEcQrT68&safe=active
EMedia: The Ill Manors Website shows a straight forward way of promoting as it is straight to the point , it gives you all the information you need to know about the film. It has important features relevant to the film such as the trailer, it also has information about the charters and shots taken in the scenes. It has information about making the film with Plan-B. At the bottom it shows all the institutions of the film. This is a good way of promoting as they have made the website creative and urban , it shows the theme and creates mystery. The language used in this website is quite formal showing a wide range of volcabulary
Similarities of promoting: I noticed that my print link and my broadcasting link both use good volcabulary and formal languge. This connotes that they are trying to attract a wider range of audience besides young adults and teenagers
Differences of promoting: A difference between the 3 ways of promoting is that Emedia promoting is straight to the point it gives you everything you need to know about the film. However the Print and broadcasting talk about other subject as well as the film.