In this car advert both genders are being targeted , this connotes that the car being used in this advert is a unisex vehicle. The colours of the car used for the advert also connnotes the gender , as the male is driving a silver car .This is a dark and dull colour so this shows a more of a masculine side , but on the other hand there is a woman driving the red ford fiesta , the colour red connotes love and so this shows more of a feminine side.
This advert targets men , you can tell from the start of the advert , as you see a man doing up his tie while the time ticks away. There is no sort of feminine content or image in the advert , this shows that the watch being advertised is only for men.
This advert targets men , you can tell by the way the man calls up the two australian men for advice about his wife's looks (quite funny) this advert connotes that the drink "Fosters" is for men.
This advert targets women becuse it has a female voice in the back round this connotes that the product is more feminin than masculine , also the woman in the advert is the problem solver as she throws a normal piece of toilet roll to the mans hands
This advert is targeted at men , as the advert shows a boy using the deodeorant and turning into a chocolate man. You can tell this advert is for men when the famles start chasing him, this advert connotes that the deodeorant will attract famales , so this means this shows that this advert is masculine
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